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Showing posts from 2018


So. August 12 th , the date of my last post and the day before my birthday. I just want to say my birthday was fantastic. I didn’t do much. First, let me tell you something. My Grandmother, who I live with, and I were at the shops a few days before. She was moaning about what to get me and I was giving the usual helpful response, of ‘nothing, you don’t have to get me anything’, and she was giving me this look, you know? The one that’s like an exasperated shut up kind of thing. Side note: enjoy this picture of the pigface she looks at every time she goes for a smoke (if anyone asks, she doesn't smoke)     Anyway, we walked past this jewellery place and my Gran saw these earrings. My ears are pretty sensitive, so I kept saying I needed to get proper ones, silver or gold. Nothing fancy or expensive. Just something that wouldn’t irritate me. I like silver. I think it goes with my tan a little better. So, we saw these tiny star ones in silver, super pretty,...


Tomorrow, I’ll be 18. I haven’t planned anything. I feel like I haven’t really done anything worthwhile. I also feel like sleeping for an eternity and buying a dog I can’t take care of. Is a quarter-life crisis a thing? Moving on. Or not, as the case may be. Let us reminisce. I missed out on my rebellious stage. I died my hair black at 14 and delved into copious amounts of eyeliner. Fun times, right? On my 16 th birthday I went to a party. That wasn’t for me, but they all sung happy birthday to me so that saved me from becoming a depressed blob. That’s a lie. I didn’t really care. In fact, it was rather exhausting and for most of it I remember really wanting to go to bed. But, I've never gotten fired from a job, or tattooed my skin at much too young an age, or whatever it is rebellious teenagers do. I lacked interest. Still do. It seems sad, like I've missed out on a major life event.   Happy birthday to me. You're gonna be an adult. It's scary,...


Long time no see my non-existant followers. I thought I’d deleted this blog. Reading back through some of my previous posts, I wish I had. But, certain sentences remind me of some fun memories. It’s good it’s not completely gone, even if the content is subpar. I plan on reviving this. Slowly. We’ll see how we go. For now, I'll just hide all my previous posts under drafts until I lose all shame and post them again.                                 For years, I had this cocky feeling that I was smarter than most people. I’m not. I was sick for a year, my grades went down. Failed a class. It was good for me. I needed that slap in the face. Have you ever felt that? That you’re flying too high, and you need someone to cut you down every once in a while?           I recently joined An...